Saturday, May 07, 2005

Down a memory hole

In order to motivate myself to drop the 50-60 pounds I need to lose, I rifled through thousands of photographs this morning to find a few in which I appeared less flabby than I do now. I'll post a few of them when I have access to a scanner.


Miranda said...

I look at my wedding pictures and I just want to cry. I was so thin back then :(. Actually, I get so depressed I end up walking over to the fridge or something.

doug said...

Hey I do the same thing when I look for the motivation to lose those uncomfortable pounds.

Miranda said...

Hey, I'm still waiting on these pix, LOL!

Randy said...

They should be up in the next day or two. One of our secretaries is taking them home to scan 'em; in return, I showed her how to set up a blog. Your tax dollars at work.

Miranda said...

Hey, tax dollars (and a generous gift from the Kellogg Foundation) are sending me overseas. Couldn't ask for a better use of $$ if you ask me.