Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Slidell photos

The second and third of these photos are from areas near Ann's house. My house about 1.5 miles behind the strip mall in the first photo. A couple of people are hoping to get into our neighborhood to survey the damage. The latest estimate is 6-12 weeks before power is restored. My guess is that DW will visit her folks in Utah, while I camp out in a motel somewhere once we know how our office will function. Fortunately, we have some ability to work from remote locations.

Edited to add: We are planning to drive from Houston to Slidell tomorrow, check out our house, then return to Houston. There's been precious little information about our neighborhood, plus it's going to be a while before we can get back there permanently. If we wait until Monday, we'll be stuck in a gargantuan traffic jam with the folks from Jefferson Parish, whom, rumor has it, will be allowed to return ONLY on Monday.


Mike D. said...

wow, hope your guys' places are okay and that you can go back home soon. did the boys' school get hit badly?

Randy said...

Mike, the boys' school is fine, and, no, I'm not interested in penis enlargement right now. I've still got it going on down there, you know.

Randy said...

The plan has us working from a site in Alexandria, LA, until our home duty station is up and running again. However, given the magnitude of this storm and the length of time it will take to get things back to normal, I would not be surprised to find myself right back here in Houston.

Refuge said...

Glad to see you and yours are alright in the middle of all this madness, Randy!

Randy said...

Hi, Krisitan! I'm better off tonight than I was earlier today, thanks to a tiny little dose of Heineken.

Craig said...

R, I hope (as my email reveals) that everyone got out okay. Is a long-term plan formulating for the SAO?