Friday, June 03, 2005

Adam, cowboy

Adam's trainer at the St. Mary's school told me yesterday that he has been riding horses this week--not just riding behind in a cart like Toby does, but actually sitting in the saddle. He even throws tantrums when it's someone else's turn, a sure sign that he enjoys what he's doing. Ride 'em cowboy!

I seem to have some kind of mite-bites on my behind this week. At first, I thought it was just an allergy, but DW's dermatologist directed her to sanitize our entire house as if we had kids with lice. It was probably the motel linens in Alexandria, LA, but I told DW is was those missionaries who dropped by the other day, bringing in divine pestilence along with their good cheer.


doug said...

The more I hear about Toby the more I identify with your little guy.

Randy said...

He's a character, alright.

Ann said...

Tell us about the objectives of hippotherapy.