Thursday, April 28, 2005


I was looking for a photo of a cricket [self-indulgent whining omitted] when I saw this cartoon from the SL Tribune. There really is a species known as the Mormon Cricket, and they have hit Utah particularly hard in recent years. Chirp! Chirp! Posted by Hello


itsrobb said... come across the most interesting stuff...I never knew that about crickets.

Miranda said...

Hey, I'll stop by a few more times a day and up your site counter, deal?

Phoebe said...

I heart Bagley.

Randy said...

Thanks for commenting, y'all. See how boring my job can get? If I can look up pictures of crickets . . . .

Mike D. said...

fwiw randy i still check in on your blog, but i usually do it through my rss aggregator, so unless i open your blog in my browser (which i usually only do when i'm going to leave a comment) i don't think you'll get a pageview.

anyway, i like the cartoon. i wonder how they print the nametags so small.