Saturday, March 13, 2004

We took our younger son to the Mississippi Gulf Coast today. The water was cold and it was windy, but he didn't care. He loves going to the beach, no matter how cold it is. He stood in the water and watched the foam and surf come ashore for over an hour. He was so blissful that he stiffened his whole body and jerked his arms around like a little robot. He reminded me of a mad Leonard Bernstein, directing the surf back and forth like an aquatic symphony orchestra. It was a totally ecstatic experience for Younger Son. I thought a little about how we adults seek ecstatic and/or spiritual experiences from gods, gurus, shamans, meditation, drugs, sex, and rock and roll. It sure would be nice to feel the joy and ecstasy that my boy felt watching the shiny gloss on the top of the surf before it turned to foam and came ashore.

Older Son is adjusting well to his new school. We will see him Tuesday, when we go up there for a conference. I'm looking forward to seeing my boy again.

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