Sunday, June 18, 2006

Fathers Day in America

Sometimes one discovers that an old man's ritual can be quite therapeutic. However, my stomach is a tad icky at the moment . . .

I had a nice zazen experience this morning. I had difficulty dropping off body and mind, but it was nice when I accomplished that momentarily. On the way home, I reflected a little on something I read recently about Zen being a puritanical form of Buddhism, in that it has jettisoned almost all dogma and focused on meditation practice. I appreciate the lack of dogma and the radical simplicity of Zen, but to each his/her own. Anyhow, maybe the practice of spiritual traditions is the most important component of those traditions--more important than the doctrines and dogmas to which those traditions ascribe. Some of the finest people I know are deeply religious, and they actually practice the gentleness, humility, and love that they preach.


Ann said...

I LOVE that photo. Is that a Harry Potter in the back? One of the thinner ones, if so. I also recognize the logo on the matches as being from a local tattoo parlor. That's a really subtle touch.

Randy said...

Yes, the matchbook is from the tattoo/cigar/leather/paraphernalia store, with the porn store in back and the strip joint across the street. Ever since they opened that Super WalMart right behind the place, I wonder how many couples have made shopping a family experience, and how many spouses--and/or teenage boys-- quietly disappear from WalMart while nobody is looking. For the record, we shop at the other Super WalMart in town.

doug said...

I had a nice visit with this guy I work with today. He didn't hide his Christianity and was very open about some painful times in his life. I was fascinated and welcomed his story. What's my point? I don't know, I guess I am agreeing with you Randy.

Once again I had to start listening to my CD's by Jack Kornfield (some Monk dude) discussing delusion from a Zen perspective. Why did I have to start it up? Because I forgot what makes me happy, that is to say, I started "grasping" again and let up on being "mindful". It seems I need somebody reminding me of this stuff or I turn into a royal cranky pooh-butt.

btw Randy, forgive me if you were offended by my comment the other day when I was describing my so-called meditation practice. I said that my meditation was not accompanied by goofy adornments. I know you have a couple of items that you use when you sit. Seriously, I don’t think you are goofy on account of that, it’s just not for me. I was worried about people being critical of me - clearly I come across less than serene and I am mindful of the disconnect people might not being able to wrap their minds around meditation being useful in my life. (And if anybody comes along and says I shouldn't worry about what other people think I am going to barf.) It is like I was going over-board to prove that I am not goofy and that's some pretty funny shit right there, don't ya think?

doug said...

Here's another btw, I dreamt this morning that I took 15 hits of acid and I desperately wanted to find the "answer" to my life in the upcoming trip. I was extremely disappointed when I woke up before I started to peak. In fact I was almost depressed, yet slightly angry. It was worse than waking up just before you are about to score with some hot babe (or guy, as the case may be).

Randy said...

I used to try to prove that I'm not goofy, but goofiness appears to be an inherent trait, so now I embrace my goofiness. I am a goof, and I'm proud of it, dammit! Who's with me?

Yeah, waking up before a big dream score is annoying. Then you're like, um, all dressed up with no place to go, and you can't get back to sleep, and, um, eh, oh, what was that again?