Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Notable visitors

This blog has had some hits from interesting places in recent days. There have been visitors from Washington University in St. Louis (where I went to law school), the Iranian Foreign Ministry (no connection there, uh uh), and, about an hour after my last reivew of "Big Love," the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Someone in Salt Lake must be curious about that show.


Phoebe said...

OMG -- there really is a "strengthening the members committee."

Randy said...

Oh, there is a STMC, and it certainly would be fun to think that they were on to me. Damn, I would feel important! More likely, however, it's someone from Church public affairs, just reading up on what people are saying about that show.

Wade Rankin said...

Ain't Site Meter fun?

Randy said...

Love that sitemeter! I discovered last night that someone from Paramount Studios landed here by searching for "Big Love." Am I the only person who blogs about that show?