Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I was blessed, I suppose, with a naturally cheery personality, though I do tend towards melancholy some of the time. As my gentle readers know, the past few years have seen some real challenges:

A broken lightbulb --
his breezy optimism
shattered on the floor


Phoebe said...

You're human. Sorry for all the sadness, Randy.

Ann said...

Charlotte called tonight to tell DH that Blake took a 180 degree turn for the better after he had a blessing. She mentioned that she knows Blake's life has a purpose. I told her (I hope you don't mind) what you told me in an e-mail a few weeks ago - that her children's quality of life is immeasurably better because they have her. Made her cry. Damn I'm good!

Your children's quality of life is better because they have you for a dad. When I see a regular guy like you, not just dealing with your boys, but loving them - well damn, that's when I think there really is a God.

Randy said...

I dunno, Jo, I feel pretty shattered today. I'm on an emotional roller-coaster ride this month, like I'm cycling or something. :)