Friday, February 18, 2005

I neglected to mention in the photo captions that we had another encounter with the notorious Shoe Nazi of Alexandria yesterday. We took Adam to McDonalds for some fries and a romp in the playland. The Shoe Nazi appeared and told us that Adam must take off his shoes. DW didn't even look at the Shoe Nazi, and she told the Shoe Nazi that Adam is a special needs kid and that his shoes would remain on his feet. The Shoe Nazi went back into the main part of the restaurant, glared at us for a minute or two throught the glass, then went behind the counter. We weren't bothered again.

1 comment:

doug said...

I just love stories of victory over anal tightass authority figures (my dad figures prominantly in that response, hee hee - but alas I am a grown man and should not care so much what daddy did when my nose ran free, I digress, my bad). I love the pictures, even the so-called "fat" guy striking a fatherly pose was very nice. Your boy is handsome.