Saturday, February 28, 2004

Well, we left Older Son at his new school yesterday, and I feel like crap today. He threw a couple of massive tantrums, one at the doctor's office and another when I wouldn't let him get into the school fountain butt-naked. The sister who serves as school administrator walked up in mid-tantrum and said she knew I was occupied but that she wanted to give me and Older Son a hug. I thought, "here, let me give you a hit in the head," but I didn't say so. DW said her good byes while I went out to unload the car; I didn't insist that Older Son come back for me to say good-bye. By then, he was walking around the campus with a very large man who had been called in during tantrum time. He reportedly was doing much better by the time we left yesterday, but this morning I called and was told that he hadn't slept last night. However, he perked up some after breakfast. Knowing that Older Son is having such a hard time hurts me deeply.

I like the residential side of this place. It's very nice. The day school, which is public, is a joke compared to our own public school system. However, I think Older Son's preacademic skills and his self-motivation are sufficient to overcome that. What he gets in the residential side should be sufficient to allow us to bring him home in 18 months or so.

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