Thursday, November 17, 2005

Communist Propaganda

Ann's question in the Mao comments about how disaffected LDS might make use of communist propaganda reminded me of one of my favorite pieces of Red propaganda. I love socialist realist art, with its depictions of determined, socialist peasants and workers and glorious, demi-god tyrants.


Anonymous said...

That is great depiction of Elder Tokshitsky and Sister Spewkrapsky.

Randy said...

It's funny how much the guy looks like a missionary with one of those old blue Book of Mormons. Given that the book actually says "Lenin Stalin," I suppose he's a kind of anti-missionary or something.

Ann said...

Look at that healthy glow in their cheeks. And they're so strong and steadfast. And they owe it all to the guys on the pictures behind them.

Snif. I heart Stalin.